Saturday, August 17, 2013

People have been telling me that they bet my leg isn't as painful since I lost weight.  Sigh.  It isn't that type of leg injury.  It is damage to the nerve, so weighing less, while it does reduce impact to the body overall, isn't helping my leg a whole lot.  In fact, some things are more painful since I lost weight, like sitting for long periods of time because there isn't as much of a buffer of a layer of fat for cushion.  And as I gain more muscle mass, it actually impacts the nerve more, especially when I work out.  I know that whenever I get stressed out or depending on what else is going on with me health-wise, then it can be killer.  For the most part though, it is the lack of stress that has made the pain not as bad.  The weight loss does feel good overall on my body though  :)

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